Get Involved with STSC

The STSC Undergraduate Advisory Board (UAB) consists of STSC majors interested in enhancing the major and serving as a liaison between STSC students and faculty.

Current (2024-2025) members of the STSC UAB:


Zida Anyachebelu, '25

(Global Science and Technology)

Hello, I'm Zida, a Senior majoring in Science, Technology, and Society with a concentration in Global Technology, as well as studying Design. I'm passionate about exploring the intersections of technology, society, and design, and I'm committed to understanding how advancements in technology influence different countries and their social implications.

Outside of the classroom, I am the Marketing Director for the Walk Magazine. Additionally, I am a member of programs and clubs that explore my interest in sustainability, media, and tech.  

Overall,  I'm interested in the relationship between art and science, constantly exploring how these two disciplines can collaborate and influence each other in meaningful ways. Feel Free to reach me, if you have any questions regarding the STSC major-

Makayla Fradin, '25

(Biotechnology & Biomedicine)

My name is Makayla and I am a senior from South Jersey studying Science, Technology, and Society, concentrating in Biotechnology and Biomedicine. I am on the premed track with a minor in Chemistry and Medical Sociology. I want to be a doctor of tomorrow. Not only do I want to be on the frontlines helping patients, but I want to be immersed in research about the future of medical technologies. The STSC major has allowed me to examine the relationships between scientific knowledge, technological innovations, and society past and present to establish my role in the medical field of tomorrow. I have engaged in classes dedicated to technology’s profound impact on medical practices, institutions, and patients alongside similarly passionate classmates. Outside of STSC, I volunteer as a bedside buddy at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, conduct research alongside doctors as well as PhD and medical students at the Perelman School of Medicine, and was the director of philanthropy for Kappa Alpha Theta. Feel free to reach me at if you have any questions!


Jillian Pope, '25

(Information and Organizations)

My name is Jillian Pope. I am a senior from Westchester, New York studying Science, Technology and Society with a concentration in Information and Organizations, and I am also minoring in Mathematics. I am deeply interested in the dynamic relationship between business and innovation, exploring how advancements in technology have reshaped the business and financial sectors. At Penn, I enjoy being a part of the Women’s Club Lacrosse team and the Ski and Snowboarding team. I am also a volunteer swim instructor for the club “We Can Swim!” where we teach children from the West Philadelphia community how to swim. I am always happy to answer any questions about the Science, Technology and Society major or minor, so if you think you may be interested in studying STSC feel free to email me!

Sydney Feldman, '26

(Information and Organizations)

My name is Sydney, and I am a junior from New York City studying Science, Technology, and Society with a concentration in Information and Organizations. I have dual minors in Data Science and Analytics and Urban Real Estate and Development. I am looking to pursue a career in Real Estate and, due to my STSC studies, am particularly drawn to data centers as real estate investments. I am interested in further exploring the intersections of technology, finance, and society—particularly in how organizations can use data analysis to better their processes as well as how the growth in data is driving change in everything from staffing needs to power consumption. On campus, I am involved in Penn Traditions and the Wharton Undergraduate Real Estate Club. Feel free to reach out to me at if you have any questions about STSC!


Luke Zhang, '26

(Information and Organizations)

Luke is a Junior from the Bay Area majoring in Economics and Science, Technology, and Society with a concentration in Information and Organizations. He is passionate about the intersection of business and innovation, with a particular interest in understanding how we can bring new technologies to market and maximize their impact. On campus, Luke is a member of Penn’s Fencing Team, President of Student Athlete Wellness Ambassadors, and a Benjamin Franklin Scholar. In his free time, he enjoys working out, eating good food, and discussing current events. Feel free to reach him at if you have any questions!