Graduate Student Accomplishments


Congress Graduate Merit Award of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences: Taylor Dysart

Early Career Scholar Award, World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine: Nicole Welk-Joerger

Honorable Mention, Shryrock Medal, AAHM: Sara Ray, for "Origin Stories: Mothers, Midwives, and Monstrous Births"

Penn Prize for Excellence in Teaching by Graduate Students: Zachary Loeb

SAS Dean's Scholar: Claire Sabel

SAS Dissertation Completion Fellowship: Sumiko Hatakeyama

SAS Dissertation Research Fellowships: Arnav Bhattacharya, Austin Rory Cooper, Zachary Loeb, Claire Sabel, Leah Samples

SAS Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching by Graduate Students: Taylor Dysart

Leboy-Davies Graduate Student Award: Arnav Bhattacharya

Wolf Humanities Center Graduate Research Assistant 20-21: Alexis Rider

CASI Summer Research Funds: Arnav Bhattacharya

Michele Aldrich History and Philosophy of Geology Student Research Award from the Geological Society of America: Claire Sabel

CTL Graduate Fellow for Teaching Excellence for 2020-21: Zachary Loeb

Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA): Austin Cooper


APS John C. Slater Predoctoral Fellowship in History of Science for 2019-2020: Prashant Kumar

Linda Hall Library Fellowships: Alexis Rider, Nikhil Dharan

Mellon Dissertation Fellowship: Jason Chernesky

National Science Foundation Dissertation Grant: Alexis Rider

Science History Institute Dissertation Fellow: Sara Ray

Smithsonian Fellowship: Alexis Rider

Dean's Scholar: Leah Samples

Research Fellowship at the Consortium for History of Science,Technology, and Medicine: Alexis Rider

FLAS Fellowship in Arabic: Austin Cooper

Penn Dissertation Research Fellowship: Austin Cooper

LBJ Library Moody Research Grant: Austin Cooper

Eisenhower Library Research Grant: Austin Cooper

Doctoral Fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada: Taylor Dysart

Penn Center for Teaching and Learning Graduate Fellow 2019-2020: Alexis Rider

2019 Joan Cahalin Robinson Prize Honorable Mention (Society for the History of Technology): Sam Schirvar

2019 Envirotech Joy Parr Travel Grant Award: Nicole Welk-Joerger

Emerging Scholars Policy Prize: Lisa Ruth Rand (Phd 2016)


Collegium Institute for Catholic Thought and Culture Graduate Fellowship: Christopher Fite

Consortium Dissertation Fellowship: Ekaterina Babintseva

Dean's Scholar: Sumiko Hatakeyama

Fulbright Scholarship: Sara Ray

Mellon Dissertation Fellow, Penn Program in Environmental Humanities: Jesse Smith

Penn Prizes for Excellence in Teaching by Graduate Students: Tabea Cornel, Alexis Rider

2018 Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program: Nicole Welk-Joerger

Humanities Book Prize of the Latin American Studies Association: Eve Buckley (Phd '06)


Penn Prize for Excellence in Teaching by Graduate Students: Nicole Welk-Joerger

Penn Program in the Environmental Humanities Fellows: Alexis Rider, Nicole Welk-Joerger

Center for Teaching and Learning Graduate Fellow: Elaine Lafay

Pressman Prize (AAHM): Rachel Elder


HSS Dissertation Prize: Whitney Laemmli

APS Fellow in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine: Elaine Lafay

Dean's Scholar: Elaine Lafay

University Dissertation Completion Fellowships (DCF): Rosanna Dent, Matthew Hoffarth

University Dissertation Research Fellowships (DRF): Ekaterina Babintseva, Tabea Cornel, Kate Dorsch

Mellon/ACLS Fellowship: Rosanna Dent

Cheiron Young Scholars Award: Matthew Hoffarth

Atkinson Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Cornell): Mary Mitchell

A.W. Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Wisconsin): Lisa Ruth Rand

Columbia Society of Fellows (New York): Whitney Laemmli

Penn Program on Race, Science and Society: Eram Alan


AAHM Shyrock Medal: Marissa Mika

ACLS/Mellon Dissertation Completion Award: Whitney Laemmli

Halpern Prize: Tamar Novick

Mellon Fellowship for Research in Original Sources: Elaine Lafay

NASA Fellowship and PACHS Dissertation Writing Fellowship: Lisa Ruth Rand

Max Planck Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Tamar Novick

Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Digital Humanities: Peter Collopy

SHOT Edelstein Prize: Christopher Jones (PhD '09)