STSC Major Requirements

The STSC major requires 14 cu:

Foundations (2 cu)

  • You MUST take either STSC 0100 (Emergence of Modern Science) or STSC 0600 (Technology & Society).
  • You MUST complete a second Foundation course chosen from the following list: STSC 0100, 0600, 1120, 1600, 1880, 2080 (Please note that STSC 2080 is no longer being offered on a regular basis). 
  • This requirement may be fulfilled by taking both STSC 0100 and STSC 0600.

STSC Departmental Electives (7 cu)

Follow this link for the list of courses offered by department faculty that fulfill this part of the major. Departmental electives provide a range of critical perspectives and topics characteristic of the history and sociology of science and technology.

Concentrations  (4 cu)

Each STSC major selects a concentration and then designs an individualized program of four (4) courses from across the university that advances their learning goals. Courses may be petitioned for the concentration or selected from a pre-approved list (each concentration has a course attribute code used to search for classes in Path@Penn).

  • Biotechnology and Biomedicine
  • Energy and Environment 
  • Global Science and Technology
  • Information and Organizations 
  • Science/Nature/Culture

STSC 4000: Capstone Seminar (1 cu)

  • This requirement can be fulfilled by taking STSC 4000 in the spring of either junior or senior year.
  • This course guides a cohort of students through writing a 20+ page original research paper in Science and Technology Studies.
  • STSC 4000 is open only to STSC majors.