What do STSC students do
Classes in the STSC major offer students the chance to explore ideas, issues, controversies, themes, and concepts from scientific and technical fields through a perspective rooted in the social sciences and humanities. On this page you can explore some of the recent work created by STSC students in their classes.
Spring 22
In STSC 3247: Why Not Magic? Magic, Esoterica, and the Occult in the History of Science with Prof. Elly Truitt students were given the opportunity to create a podcast.
Mary Shin ('22) asks "What is magic and where does it come from? How does magic relate to science?" in her podcast "The Science and Technology of Medieval Courtly Magic." By focusing on astral magic and automata as her two case studies, Mary offers fascinating glimpses into the connections betwen magic, science, and technology that shapd the cultural and intllectual activities of the late Middle Ages. Mary Shows how this period was a time of new powers and technical marvels, and how many branches of modern science and technology can be traced back to forms of medieval magic.