Global Health

It's impossible to be a citizen of the 21st century without recognizing the degree to which we are all a part of a global society, connected by resources, technology, economics, history, politics, climate, and perhaps above all, health & disease. The Global Health concentration helps students dig deeper into the ongoing legacies, implications, and consequences of major forces from modern history: colonization/decolonization, industrialization, global capitalism, and the intersections of Western and Indigenous approaches to the body, health, and illness around the world, helping students to become well-versed and informed global citizens.  

The following list of pre-approved courses is intended to inspire, not to require.  This list suggests some of the courses which have been used in the past for the concentration and which can  individualize the concentration around a student's interests and goals.

Concentration Rules

  • Core courses may not be replaced by a petitioned course
  • Relevant courses may be petitioned
  • Up to three non-College courses* are permitted 
  • Courses not used for the core course may be used as topical electives where suitable

World Health Core Course (1 cu required - No petitions)

ANTH 2730: Global Health: Anthropological Perspectives (HSOC 2382)
HSOC 3488: Current Issues in Global Health
PUBH 5190: Introduction to Global Health*
HSOC 0490: Comparative Medicine (if not used as the pre-requisite core course for the major)

Regional Requirement (1 cu required)

HSOC majors are required to take ONE course about a region of the world that is not the United States.

These courses have been used in the past, but new courses suitable for the regional requirement appear each term. Students may look beyond this list for similar courses and consult with the HSOC Director or Associate Director about potential choices.

AFRC 0002: Introduction to Africa
AFRC 3110: History of Health and Healing in Africa
EALC 3522: Medicine and Healing in China
HIST 0450: Latin America, 1791-Present (LALS 0450)
HIST 0350: Africa since 1800
HIST 0360: History of the Middle East since 1800 (NELC 0650) 
LALS 3800: Studies in Modern and Contemporary Latin American and Latinx Culture
NELC 0002: Introduction to the Middle East 
REES 1670: Population and Public Health in Eastern Europe
SAST 0001: Introduction to Modern India
SAST 0008: India: Culture and Society (HIST 0851, RELS 0008)
SOCI 2630: Contemporary Issues in African Society
SOCI 2640: Media, Culture and Society in Contemporary China
SPAN 3800: Special Topics (Check with HSOC advisor)
STSC 3334: Hybrid Science: Nature, Culture and Health in Latin America


Topical Electives (4 cu required)

(pre-approved courses are not required, but are examples of suitable courses)

ANTH 0120: Globalization and its Hisorical Significance (SOCI 2910)
ANTH 1238: Intro to Medical Anthropology
ANTH 2060: Cultures of Science and Technology
ANTH 2080: Anthropology of Futurity (DSGN 3120)
ANTH 2340: Pharmaceticals and Global Health
ANTH 2978: Just Futures Seminar II: Health and Healing in Abiayala (LALS 2978, GSWS 2978, HSOC 2332)
ANTH 3402: Applied Research Skills in Global Community Health
GSWS 1361: Sex Matters: Politics of Sex in the Modern Middle East
HCMG 2040: Comparative Health Care Systems*
HIST 1365: Bacteria, Bodies, and Empires: Medicine and Healing in the Eastern Mediterranean (HSOC 1362)
HSOC 0361: Medical Missionaries
HSOC 1330: Bioethics
HSOC 1401: The People's Health
HSOC 2211: Sex, Sexuality, and Sexual Science in South Asia
HSOC 2303: Fundamentals of Epidemiology
HSOC 2304: Insect Epidemiology: Pest, Pollinators, and Disease Vectors (STSC 2304)
HSOC 2511: Foundations of Public Health
HSOC 2563: Doing Good
HSOC 2583: Law and Medicine: Global Themes
HSOC 2526: Complementary and Alternative Medicine
HSOC 3185: Global Radiation History: Living in the Atomic Age 1945 - Present (STSC 3185)
HSOC 3524: Medical Mestizaje: Health and Development in Contemporary Latin America (LALS 3524)
HSOC 3803: Bodies and Borders: Health, Place and Displacement
NURS 3160: International Nutrition: Political Economy of World Hunger*
NURS 3430: Topics Course (check with HSOC advisor)*
PSCI 1173: Health Policy and Politics in Comparative Perspective
PSCI 4170: Comparative Politics of the Welfare State
PUBH 5190: Foundations of Global Health
SOCI 1040: Population and Society
SOCI 2220: Health of Populations (HSOC 2202)
SOCI 2600: Global Health
SOCI 2910: Globalization and its Historical Significance
SOCI 2971: Bioethics
STSC 2198: Race and Gender in Global Science

*=non-College course.  Students may include up to the 3 non-College courses in the concentration.

One of these may be used as an elective for Global Health:

BIOL 2510: Statistics for Biologists 
STAT 1110: Intro Stat