Life Exposed: Biological Citizens after Chernobyl
Adriana Petryna, Life Exposed: Biological Citizens after Chernobyl (Princeton University Press, 2002).
Adriana Petryna, Life Exposed: Biological Citizens after Chernobyl (Princeton University Press, 2002).
Global Pharmaceuticals: Ethics, Markets, Practices, edited by Adriana Petryna, Andrew Lakoff, Arthur Kleinman (Duke University Press, 2006).
"The Love Statue"
by Robert Indiana
near Cohen Hall
Photography by Steve Minicola, University Communications
Flickr link
Benjamin Franklin statue
in front of College Hall
autumn 2009
photography by University Communications
Flickr link
Love statue in snowstorm
February 6, 2010
sculpture by Robert Indiana
Photography by University Communications
Flickr link
Medical Hall (built 1873, Thomas Webb Richards, architect; later Logan Hall and then Claudia Cohen Hall)
Source: University Archives
Split Button
sculpture by Claes Oldenburg
photography by University Communications
Flickr link