PhD University of Pennsylvania
B.A. University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Medical Anthropology and History, African Christianity, Medical Hesitancy, Colonial West African Physicians, Global Health, Transnational Migration, Ghana, Nigeria, Jamaica, the US
Under Contract. The West African Revival: Faith Tabernacle Congregation on the Guinea Coast, 1918-1929. Baylor University Press. Studies in World Christianity Series.
2013. Enchanted Calvinism: Labor Migration, Afflicting Spirits, and Christian Therapy in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana. University of Rochester Press. Rochester Studies in African History and Diaspora.
2021. The Economic Rationality of Religious-Based Medical Abstinence in the early Twentieth Century: the Case of Philadelphia’s Faith Tabernacle Congregation. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. 76.2: 147-66.
2020. Faith Tabernacle Congregation, the 1918-19 Influenza Pandemic and Classical Pentecostalism in Colonial West Africa. Studies in World Christianity 26.3: 219-38.