Senior Symposium 2017

Front: Robert Levine, Andrea Maria Vargas Guerra, Hannah Fagen, Randa Som, Cassidy Golden, Alexandra Kimmel
Back: Olivia Webb, Will Schupmann, Katherine Senter, Mary Cerulli


Senior Symposium 2017 took place on Monday, April 24th.  This annual event celebrates the achievements of HSOC and STSC students who wrote an honors thesis.
The format was a lightning round where every student gave a 5-minute presentation, followed by a poster reception. 

Senior Honors Thesis Presentations


Health & Societies


Mary Cerulli
“Go Ask the Midwife: Professional Identity in Cape Town, South Africa”
(Adviser: Dr. Kimberly Trout)


Hannah Fagen
“The Happiest Place in the Hospital: Newborn Nurseries in American Hospitals, A History”  

(Adviser: Dr. Meghan Crnic)


Cassidy Golden
“The Mother in the NICU”
(Adviser: Dr. Renee Fox)


Alexandra Kimmel
“Medicalizing Meditation: The Incorporation of Buddhist Practice into the American Clinic, 1960-2000”
(Adviser: Dr. Beth Linker)


Will Schupmann
“Public Schools as a Loci for Human Experimentation”
(Adviser: Dr. Jonathan Moreno)


Katherine Senter
“The Life Cycles of Health Ministries”
(Adviser: Dr. Rosemary Frasso)


Randa Som
"Re-Imaging Transgender Health Care: Affirming and Promoting Optimal Evidence-Based Transgender Health Care"
(Adviser: Dr. Lance Wahlert)


Andrea Maria Vargas Guerra,
‘“Latinos Don’t Look After Each Other”: The Social Cohesion of Latin American Immigrants in North Carolina’
(Adviser: Dr. David Barnes)


Olivia Webb

“Voiceless: The Construction of Homelessness Policies, 1980-2016”

(Adviser: Dr. Andria Johnson)


Science, Technology & Society


Robert Levine

“Modern Architecture and Ideology: Modernism as a Political Took in Sweden and the Soviet Union”

(Adviser: Dr. Adelheid Voskuhl)