Student Research Symposium on Public Health
Students from HSOC 251, Foundations of Public Health, will be sharing their ideas for improving public health on campus at a 90-minute symposium and poster session on Tuesday, April 26.
Using a commonly-employed public health data collection approach known as freelisting, students in this class conducted 145 intercept interviews with classmates from across Penn's campus. They identified public health priorities identified by a sample of Penn students. The most salient issues included; eating healthy, safety and violence, sleep hygiene, fitness and exercise, mental health and stress, drugs and alcohol, use of the Student Health Services (SHS), and use of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). Then the class broke up into teams to shed light on these important public health topics and services. The results of this research will be shared on April 26th.
Dr. Rosemary Frasso, the course instructor, and the students extend an open invitation to anyone interested in hearing from this bright and dedicated group of students.
Please RSVP at the following link by April 19: